What to expect ?
1. Our lab is registered and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
2. Follows the highest standards established for cord blood banking.
- 1. National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP)
- 2. World Marrow Donor Association® (WMDA)
- 3. Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB)
- 3. Licensed in all states that require a license.
- 4 .Approved for collections in all 50 US states.
Safer Transplants
1. We have released over 2,200 units
for transplant, research and clinical trials.
2.Fewer red blood cells means, safer transplants.
3. Our process removes 98.5% ofthe red blood cells
versus 33.45% by ourcompetitors.
More Stem Cells
1. Our proprietary processrecovers.
2. About 35% more stem cells than our
1. Our product(s) have been successfully trans
planted in thousands of patients through clinical trials, and for therapies.
2. Existing distribution channels for therapies and clinical research have yielded success.
3. Clinical accomplishments and advocacy led by leading surgeons and clinics.
4. Our process excels in clonogenic potential, resulting in superior therapeutic outcomes.
5. CFL productrecovers more T Cells,
B Cells, and HSCs.

Our Processing System
Our processing system is used to isolate the greatest amount of stem cells from umbilical cord blood.
1. The process is the most flexible cord-blood processing method, offering several special benefits and advantages over other processing methods.
2. The end result includes a reduction in the time to neutrophil engraftment.
3. It yields the highest number of colony-forming units (CFUs), which is currently the most accurate measurement to determine stem cell potency and the potential for stem cell engraftment.
4.It recovers the greatest percentage of CD34+ stem cells from human umbilical cord blood.
5. This processing type ensures that TNC and CD 34+ recovery is not affected by the initial volume of the collected unit.
6. It provides the greatest reduction in red blood cell (RBC) contamination compared with all other processing methods.
7. Processed samples have a significantly greater clonogenic potential than all current methods.
CTD Processing System
Better Treatment Outcomes
1. The result of the differences between processing methods has been shown to lead to better treatment outcomes.
2. With this processing method, processed cord blood units engraft more quickly than any other methods.
3. In an evaluation of the probability of and the time to patient neutrophil recovery by the St. Louis Cord Blood Bank, this processing had a median time of 16 days compared with 20 days for the Hespan group.
4. "After infusion of a single HES unit, 89% of patients achieved engraftment in 23 days (median 20). … After receiving a single processed unit, 91% of patients achieved engraftment in 18.6 days (median 16)."
5. Additionally, when the data on engraftment times from a number of public data sources were compared, this processing was found to engraft more quickly than all other cord blood–processing methods.