Stem Cell Research

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are unspecialized cells that have the capacity to proliferate and develop into a variety of cell types with unique properties. Additionally, stem cells have the capacity to release substances that promote other cells’ development and repair.
Stem cell therapy has lately been investigated and found great success for a variety of illnesses, including neurological, endocrinological, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and many other disorders. The regenerative medical research team of the American Institute of Regenerative and Cellular Research, AIRCR found profound results with Stem cell therapy on autism, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, heart disease, neurological disorders, etc. Injecting stem cells into the damaged area is widely growing because of its tremendous success.

What are stem cells?

Everyone needs to know what this is and how it works as knowledge will set you free. It is already a proven science, the future of medicine and people should have a new life through this to survive. Conventional treatment with meds or surgery has lots of side effects, Stem Cells can just heal and regenerate the damage of the organ system or improve the organ-based disease without any side effects. For example, numerous data from our own study suggest that the pain & symptoms go away with just one stem cell treatment for various joint issues.

However, It is frustrating because of lots of misconceptions about its potential uses. The primary reasons for the controversy are;

  1. Embryonic Vs Mesochimal Stem Cell: People always think about embryonic stem cells which is controversial because of ethical reasons, and we do not use them in the United States. In the United States, practitioners use different types of mesenchymal stem cells. We use the umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cell (UC-MSC) which has no controversy as it is collected from the umbilical cord blood of a healthy mother after giving birth.
  2. Culture Cell Vs Original Cell: Another reason for a rumor of success is that people administering stem cells are actually cultured or multiplied from stem cells. The countries outside of the United States have no regulation in the laboratory on culturing their stem cell extraction and preparation. In the United States, it is completely illegal by law to culturing cells in any way. Therefore we use only original stem cells without any multiplication or alteration. Our practitioners use stem cells collected from the umbilical cord blood of a healthy mother after giving birth.
  3. Less Potent Analogous Cells: In many stem cell research centers, practitioners use autologous cells and those cells come from their own bodies which already are less potent. There is no reason to use them but some growth factors are there to help temporarily. UC-MSC are the most potent and scientifically proven stem cell.
  4. Adult Stem Cell: Taking from adult stem cells does not work since they have already declined their regenerative ability because of the aging of the cell; they are less potent to work, and sometimes develop autoimmune conditions. In 30 days one cell grows into one billion stem cells in the body but for adults only one cell to 32,000 in 30 days. For six years old, one cell grows up to 200 only.
  5. The potency of Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC): Research shows that Stem Cell-derived from umbilical cord blood are much more potent and have more ability to proliferate than Stem cells derived from umbilical cord tissue or placenta, or Wharton’s jelly.

The UC-MSC elicited immunosuppression by the inhibition of alloreactive T-lymphocytes in the mixed lymphocyte reaction, compared with that of BM-MSC and MSC derived from amnion, placenta, and Wharton’s jelly. MSCs derived from the umbilical cord had a higher proliferative capacity, whereas those from amnion and placenta had a lower proliferative capacity.

How does Stem Cell work?

Stem cell therapy is decades proven and results from the patient proven as it circulates throughout the body to reconstruct any damaged or underworking tissue. It will change the future of healthcare as it has been showing great success in improving chronic degenerative diseases. Doctors now have more science, data, and trials to apply this cell therapy. After years of research, now stem cells are in good standing with evidence-based research and data on reducing inflammation, healing, regeneration, and repair combined with other lifestyle modifications, secret lots of angiogenetic, angioapoatico, and modulate immune reaction through the secretion of cytokines. Numerous study show that it stimulates myocardial regeneration to inhibit pathological remodeling, stimulate engiogenesis, decrease fibrosis, and increase cardiac functions.

  • Grows to billion stem cells

Stem cells treatment is a superheroes of the body. This non-invasive method is more aligned to natural healing, the youngest cell of the body -people’s experience and results speak: In 30 days one cell grows into one billion stem cells in the body but for adults only one cell to 32,000 in 30 days. For six years old, one cell grows up to 200 only. Research shows that stem cell sits in our body over a sixty cycle for it healing until back out without any side effects. The University of Paris showed that it improves our body untill 18 years 

  1. Reduce scarring 

Regenerative therapy is a Non-invasive, natural, and result driven. Disease and inflammation cause degeneration which slows tissue regeneration. 

  1. Regrow/repair the damage area:

U see ur body healing slowly once u hit 30 then u worry about ur health becasue you get lots of inflamations. Inflammation causes tissue to be damaged and stem cells to die off.  In cell therapy, UC-MSC moves to the damaged area on the part that has an injury 

  1. Angiogenesis: 

Producing more blood vessels and supply/delivery of O2, nutrients, and molecules which is critical for the healing process

  • Populate MSCs: 

Majority of diseases are lack working MSCs

  • Revitalize old stem cells: 

UC-MSC is the most potent as in Fetus I billion cells produced in 30 days; in adults 32,000 cells in 30 days and at the age of 65, only 200 cells in 30days

    1. UC is immune-privileged
  • Control inflammation: stem cell look for inflammatory site and revitalize, disease is about cells are being sick! bioactive molecule or trophic factors helps dampen inflammation 
  • Stimulate regeneration: regrow and revitalize different tissue and systems 


What are the different types of stem cells?

Stem cells of many sorts, including adult stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and embryonic stem cells can be employed in stem cell therapy. Different stem cell types have unique qualities, benefits, and difficulties. However, mesenchymal stem cells derived form the umbilical cord (UC_MSC) are found most effective and potent for regeneration and repairing the degenerative part of the body.

1.Autologous: already decreased quality and quantity, takes more time for injury And

2.Analgesic from placenta: high concentration but cause allergic/immune reactions analgesic from bone marrow: it is invasive analogesic from UC: 💯 non invasive, have growth factor, non-allergic, immature to grow Differtiated and cialized Undifferentiated adult cell Uc msc died not respond by immune system Otherwise, immune system would find and kill Them

There are different other types of stem cells that can be used for regeneration of underworking organ conditions such as Liver Cirrhosis, Heart Failure or low EGFR, Chronic Kidney Disease, or neurological disorders. Some of them are:

  • Adult stem cells (ASCs): Adults have a variety of tissues and organs that contain these stem cells. Though more readily available and compatible with the patient’s own body, they have a lower potential for differentiation than ESCs. They include:
  • Embryonic stem cells (ESCs): ESCs are stem cells that are derived from embryos that are three to five days old. Of all the cell types in the body, they have the most potential for differentiation. In addition to the possibility of immunological rejection or tumor development, they also raise moral and legal questions.
  • Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs): These are stem cells that can be discovered in connective tissues such as bone marrow, adipose tissue, umbilical cord blood, or urine. They can develop into nerves, blood vessels, bone, cartilage, muscle, or fat cells. They also exude regenerative and anti-inflammatory substances that can help other cells.
  • Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs): These are stem cells that can differentiate into endothelial cells, which make up the blood vessel lining. They are present in blood vessels. The genital organs’ vascular health and blood flow can be improved by them.
  • Smooth muscle progenitor cells (SMPCs): These are stem cells that can develop into smooth muscle cells in smooth muscle tissues. Smooth muscle cells regulate the contraction and relaxation of the sexual organs.
  • Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs): These are stem cells developed by reprogramming adult cells (such as skin or blood cells) to return to a pluripotent state akin to ESCs. Once differentiated, they can become any form of cell that is desired. Although they offer the benefits of being patient-specific and avoiding moral dilemmas, they also face difficulties with quality assurance and safety

Why I prefer UC-MSC:

It is most potential, immuno-priviligded (receiver body never took as foreign, never had any tumor, not manipulated chemically or genetically,

What is the difference between PRP and stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy is decades proven and results from the patient proven as it circulates throughout the body to reconstruct any damaged or underworking tissue. It will change the future of healthcare as it has been showing great success in improving chronic degenerative diseases. Doctors now have more science, data, and trials to apply this cell therapy. After years of research, now stem cells are in good standing with evidence-based research and data on reducing inflammation, healing, regeneration, and repair combined with other lifestyle modifications, secret lots of angiogenetic, angioapoatico, and modulate immune reaction through the secretion of cytokines. Numerous study show that it stimulates myocardial regeneration to inhibit pathological remodeling, stimulate engiogenesis, decrease fibrosis, and increase cardiac functions.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is technically autologous blood with concentrations of platelets above baseline levels and contains at least seven growth factors. Because PRP contains growth factors that heal damaged tissues, it works by naturally triggering localized inflammation, collagen production, and other regenerative processes.

As a form of prolotherapy, PRP treatment is performed through a series of injection procedures that help resolve tears or injuries to connective tissue located throughout the musculoskeletal system. These can include injured or damaged ligaments, tendons, muscle fibers, fascia, cartilage, and joint capsules.

Depending on the candidate, prolotherapy methods like PRP and stem cell injections may be more effective at repairing injured joints and stretched or torn ligaments or tendons and permanently stabilizing weak, damaged, painful joints than surgery or pain-killing drugs.n Most patients receive multiple injections at each session. Repeat injections may be needed every four or more weeks. In many instances, the condition can be cured (ligament or tendon injuries), but in other instances, injections may need to be repeated periodically to maintain the clinical benefit (for example, moderate arthritis). The goal of PRP treatment is to strengthen and improve the quality of the targeted tissue and to reduce chronic inflammation, resulting in more stable and functional joints or other tissues and, of course, less pain.

So how does it work? Platelets from the blood are known for their repairing abilities. The released growth factors are key in a three-phase process during an injury that includes inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling. These growth factors send a signal to the body that it’s time to fix up a damaged area of the body.

In PRP treatment, doctors can use concentrated platelets and growth factors from the patient and precisely guide them by ultrasound or live X-ray (fluoroscopy) to the targeted tissues, delivering a potent dose of these compounds to enhance the healing process in many musculoskeletal injuries that include bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, discs, labrum, meniscus, and nerves.

How does UC-MSC stem cell therapy help with diseases?

UC-MSC stem cell therapy has shown promise in treating a variety of diseases. UC-MSCs, or umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells, are derived from the umbilical cord tissue and possess unique regenerative properties.

These stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various cell types and can promote tissue repair and regeneration. They can modulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the production of growth factors and cytokines. This makes them potentially effective in treating conditions such as:

  1. Autoimmune diseases: UC-MSC therapy has been studied for its potential to modulate the immune response and reduce inflammation in conditions like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus.
  2. Neurological disorders: UC-MSCs have shown promise in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and spinal cord injuries. They can support nerve cell growth and enhance neural tissue repair.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases: Stem cell therapy using UC-MSCs may help in the regeneration of damaged heart tissues, improving cardiacfunction,n and reducing symptoms in conditions like heart failure or myocardial infarction.
  4. Orthopedic conditions: UC-MSCs can help repair damaged cartilage, bones, and soft tissues, making them potentially beneficial in treating conditions such as osteoarthritis, sports injuries, and bone fractures.
  5. Respiratory diseases: UC-MSC therapy has demonstrated potential in the treatment of lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). They can help reduce inflammation and promote lung tissue repair.

It’s important to note that UC-MSC therapy is still an emerging field, and research is ongoing.

Neurologic Disorders in Clinical Trials with Cord Blood

Auto- Immune Disorders in Clinical Trials with Cord Blood

Orthopedic Diseases and Disorders in Clinical Trials with Cord Blood

Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetic disorders in Clinical Trials with Cord Blood

Other Diseases and Disorders that have been in Clinical Trials with Cord Blood

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