Our Mission

Through evidence-based and patient­-centric care we instill hope that long­-term recovery is possible. Our purpose and passion is to empower the individual, his/her family, and the community to find new, safe and effective treatment options utilizing adult stem cell therapy. Our goal is to one day find a cure to diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Osteoarthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Diabetes, COPD and more. We pride ourselves on providing truth to patients inquiring about receiving adult stem cell therapy through us — a therapy that may help completely change their lives today.

We Are Evidence-Based

Board Certified Surgeons employ the most recent research and advanced surgical tools to harvest the highest number of stem cells using minimally invasive techniques. Certified laboratory technicians apply the latest promising research for processing and activating each patient’s stem cells, while also minimizing cell death to enhance treatment effectiveness. Our PhD Neuroscientist designs each laboratory protocol to boost efficacy and ensure safety. Board Certified Physicians then administer the stem cells, guided by the latest studies that demonstrate increased efficacy by targeting specific areas of need in the body. We continually update our protocols by consulting a broad spectrum of clinical experts, ensuring our methods remain cutting-edge and current.

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